> Design of scent and container

Scent and container design.
The idea of cashmere baby creative is the transparency and simplicity that blends into everyday life. What kind of scent or container is just right?Scent design.
At first, I thought about those who were not good at scent and the differences in taste, so I intended to make it a product that did not smell at all. However, it is inevitable that the smell of the raw materials for the function of protecting UVs, washing the sunburn, washing off sebum dirt, and moisturizing the skin. In order to mask the smell of the ingredients, it was necessary to add some fragrance. Even in commercial products that are expressed as fragrance, when you look at the ingredients, the ingredients are used using essential oils. Often the smell is masked. We, who are particularly not good at the smell of artificial fragrances, decided to use the essential oils of the plant for their replacement. Of course, the purpose is not to add the scent itself, so the amount of essential oils is adjusted to a good car to the extent that the smell of the raw material is not bothered, so that it has a relaxed fragrance.Container design.
The bottle container is calm and calm At the same time, it was necessary to prevent sunlight, including ultraviolet rays, so that the contents do not deteriorate, and to make it difficult to touch the outside air. Cashimia beepy solves those problems by making the body unclear black. Gender who does not choose age or gender By adopting a neutral design, it has become easier to give birth to birth and birthday gifts.